How to Reduce Forklift Repair Costs: Essential Tips You Should Be Aware Of

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On-Site Forklift Repair Services: Reliable and Cost-Effective for All Forklift Types – Contact: 093 208 1688

Forklifts, often considered the workhorses of multiple industries, play a pivotal role in various tasks. Among these, the most crucial function is ensuring that products and materials are efficiently transported to their designated locations. In today’s industrial landscape, forklifts are known for their robust construction, sturdiness, and overall durability.

Yet, even the most robust machines bear the brunt of their rigorous usage. With a plethora of intricate moving components constantly in operation, forklifts, like any equipment in such demanding environments, require periodic maintenance and repairs to stay at their best.

These repairs are more than just a necessary chore; they are a vital element in maintaining the seamless flow of production, ensuring the safety of the workforce, and preserving the efficiency that industries rely on. A well-maintained forklift not only extends its lifespan but also enhances workplace safety and productivity.

So, while forklifts continue to be the engines driving industries forward, behind the scenes, the skilled hands of technicians keep them running smoothly, exemplifying the unsung heroes of modern industry.

How often should a forklift be repaired?

When it comes to forklift repairs, it’s important to prioritize them as soon as you spot the problem. At a busy warehouse or construction site, it can be easy to delay fixing minor problems. You probably don’t want downtime while the forklift is in operation. You may not have the necessary replacement parts. Sometimes you’re not sure how to repair a forklift.

Regardless of the reason, it’s always better to have forklift problems repaired as soon as possible. Delaying repair can make the problem worse. This can cause more truck downtime and lead to costly repairs. When one part is not working properly, it can cause problems in other areas of the forklift.

Most importantly, delaying forklift repair can cause permanent damage. If you wait too long to get your forklift repaired, the damage can become so severe that you will have to replace the forklift completely.

A regular forklift repair schedule is paramount. Typically, it helps to perform forklift troubleshooting and repair about every 90 days. If you use your forklift regularly, you may require more frequent troubleshooting and repairs.

The average lifespan of a forklift is about 10,000 to 12,000 hours. This leads to about seven years of daily use. Some high-end forklifts have a lifespan of 20,000 hours or more. Many factors can affect how long a forklift will last before it needs to be replaced. Including:

Forklift type

Electric forklifts tend to last longer than those that run on gas, diesel, or propane. They have fewer moving parts that wear out and need less repair.

Working conditions

Forklifts used in rough terrain or harsh environments experience more wear and tear. This results in a shorter lifespan. Frequent accidents can also cause excessive wear, which can shorten the life of the truck.

The average service life of a forklift is approximately 2,000 hours per year. Using more than that will require more frequent forklift maintenance and repair. Forklifts that work in longer shifts will wear out sooner. This is the biggest factor in the longevity of the forklift. Nothing can extend the life of your truck more than scheduled routine maintenance.

It seems the best time to replace a forklift is at the end of its service life. But this is not always true.

How to repair forklifts

Knowing how to repair a forklift starts with understanding the problem. The three most common problems include mast, steering, and starting problems.

Column problem 

The mast is the frame that controls the lifting, lowering, and tilting of the forklift. The carriage and forks are attached to the mast. The carriage is powered by a hydraulic piston in the center of the mast. Columns lift their loads using hydraulic power from pistons. They use gravity to reduce the load. Many of their forklifts follow multiple stages, which can lead to a lot of errors.

Common mast problems include:

  • Not lifting or lowering properly
  • Not lifting fast enough
  • Lifting and lowering jerky (but not smooth)

Whenever you have mast problems, check the hydraulic fluid first to make sure it’s not low. If the oil is fine, check the forklift chain for any segments that need replacing. Over time, column sections can stretch, rust, crack, warp, twist, or misalign. When inspecting trucks for forklift repairs, pay attention to small problems that can easily become big problems.

Steering issues

Forklifts are not the easiest piece of equipment to drive, especially in tight spaces. Steering wheel problems can lead to forklift accidents injuring nearby drivers or workers. Therefore, it is important to always keep the steering system running smoothly.

Steering wheel problems can be difficult to detect. A warning sign is that there are strange noises when turning the wheel, especially when the vehicle is loaded. This may indicate rust in the steering mechanism. It could also be a problem with the hydraulic system that regulates the steering pressure. Other steering problems include loose or worn pressure valves, worn gears, low steering fluid levels, and misaligned tires.

If the power steering fluid is low, add more. If it’s thick and smells bad, it’s time to change the fluid completely. Problems with worn gears or hydraulic systems will require an experienced mechanic to repair forklifts.

Start of the problem

A forklift that won’t start can be frustrating and costly. Work is delayed. Items sit around waiting to be moved. Drivers spend more time trying to fix problems than getting things done. Fortunately, this can be a fairly easy type of forklift repair.

If you have an electric forklift, check the battery charge level. When was the last time the batter was charged? Was the process done correctly? Test lights, brakes, and other ancillary functions to see if they work. Otherwise, you may need to fully recharge the battery.

A faster option is to replace it with a newly charged one if you have one available. If you have an internal combustion engine forklift, starting problems can be more complicated. Try these forklift troubleshooting tips:

  • Has fuel been in the forklift’s tank for a long time? Old fuel may not start easily.
  • Have you checked for fuel leaks? If you smell more gas than usual, you may leak.
  • Have you checked the oil level? Some forklifts will not open the fuel valve if there is not enough oil in the engine.

If none of these solve the problem, check the battery. If it still has a lot of charge, check the coolant level. Overheating due to a lack of coolant or radiator blockage can often interfere with starting. Add coolant and/or clean the radiator if necessary. If the radiator is heavily corroded, you may have to replace it.

Forklift troubleshooting tips

If you think your forklift is not performing as well as expected, you should have the problem fixed. That way, you can identify any elevator problems and get your forklift repaired right away.

To troubleshoot your forklift, you should:

  • Take the elevator out of service. Do not allow the operator to use the elevator that may malfunction. Instead, discontinue the use of the elevator so that a qualified technician can evaluate the lift.
  • Find the source of the problem. Evaluate the gain to determine the root cause of the problem. Once you know the reason for the problem, you can take steps to minimize the problem.
  • Make sure repairs are done properly. Verify that any repairs are performed by a qualified technician. Once completed, evaluate the lift, and make sure it is working properly. If you notice any problems, report them to a technician, and do not use the lift until they are resolved.

Forklift troubleshooting allows you to detect and resolve problems in the early stages. It can be used in conjunction with forklift maintenance to ensure you can optimize your forklift’s performance now and in the future.

However, according to results and experience, forklift repair costs can be 1.5 times more expensive than regular forklift maintenance and maintenance costs. So to reduce the cost of repair and damage above, you should choose to maintain your forklift at a reputable unit.

Reduce forklift repair with regular forklift maintenance

Basic forklift maintenance is one of the best ways to prevent forklift repairs. It should always be a proactive, planned event, not a reactive event. Waiting until the forklift breaks down costs time and money. Today’s warehouse management software systems make it easy to set up maintenance schedules and stick to them. They also provide a complete maintenance and repair history of every forklift.

Daily inspections can help you stay on top of forklift repairs. Doing so can save you significant cash and help prevent accidents. When a forklift is not operating properly, the risk of an accident is greatly increased. By testing your device before using it every day, you help prevent problems before they start.

If you discover a problem while performing such a check, immediately switch to forklift repair mode. For example, if you detect an oil leak or the mast won’t go up or down, it’s important to fix it as soon as possible.

Other issues are less obvious but can still affect forklift performance. By identifying what could happen if an issue is missed, you can take action to prevent accidents and downtime.

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                      Regular maintenance to limit your forklift repair costs 

Preventive maintenance tips for forklifts

Taking care of your equipment can help you avoid costly and time-consuming forklift repairs. While your organization may develop its policies regarding your safety program, preventive maintenance should always include:

  • Check tire pressure. Under-inflated tires are unsafe and reduce fuel economy. Overinflated tires can lead to tire blowouts and unexpected downtime. Checking tire pressure regularly will save money and prevent accidents.
  • Change the oil every three months. This simple maintenance task will increase fuel economy, improve forklift performance, and prevent combustion problems. It will also prolong the life of the engine.
  • Check antifreeze level. Forklifts without antifreeze can overheat or freeze, which can lead to major repairs. Check fluid levels and add as needed. Check the reservoir for leaks.
  • Do not delay brake repair. Replacing brake pads and brake calipers is a fairly easy maintenance job. These parts should be replaced at the first sign of a “soft” brake system.

These recommendations are just the beginning of the preventive maintenance recommended to avoid forklift repairs. There is also another important factor to consider – the training and certification of your forklift operators. Untrained workers are more likely to have accidents in the workplace than trained workers.

Repair Forklift - 093 208 1688
Repair Forklift – 093 208 1688

Prevent forklift repair service from Nhat Lo Phat 168

We offer both forklift repair – maintenance and maintenance services near you, however, to save expensive repair and replacement costs for forklifts, forklifts should be serviced regularly, inspected, and maintained. Check daily to ensure that it is always in a normal and effective state. Please contact us for professional, dedicated forklift maintenance services at a reasonable cost.

We will plan the maintenance and replacement of forklift parts for each item according to the standards, achieving the most optimal cost-effectiveness for you. In addition, if your forklift is experiencing a breakdown, we are ready to help your forklift to operate normally.

Ways to save money on maintenance


It sounds paradoxical, but the more often you perform forklift maintenance, the lower your repair bill will be. That’s because regular forklift maintenance helps you spot small problems before they become bigger problems.


If your forklift is operating in a particularly dirty environment, you should clean the lift shaft with soap and water. Dirt and debris can cause several problems, including tire jams, mast damage, and electrical problems. “Forklifts of industrial equipment must be kept in a clean condition, free of lint, excess oil, and grease.”

It is recommended to use non-combustible substances to clean the truck. Do not use solvents with a low flash point (below 100 °F.). High flash points (at or above 100°F.) solvents may be used. Precautions regarding toxicity, ventilation, and fire hazard should be appropriate to the agent or solvent used.”

STANDARD NLP168 – 093.208.1688

Pay special attention to the radiator in particular. A clogged radiator will cause the forklift to overheat and can lead to costly damage if left untreated. So, include flushes at least once per shift, unless more frequently is needed.


Remember that “economic life” we just talked about? Well, get rid of the old device when it reaches that breaking point. If you don’t, you will start to sink into a deep money pit. Stick with newer equipment – ​​the more the better – to reduce maintenance costs.


If you do not have a trained and qualified technician or if you simply do not have the manpower to maintain your forklift regularly, it is better to register a maintenance plan with a service center or a reputable forklift repair service provider or agent.

Ideally, the center you choose should have technicians who are factory-trained by the manufacturer of the elevator you are currently using. Because that training will equip them with everything they need to diagnose and fix problems quickly and efficiently. And that will ultimately save you money.

If you are contracting for maintenance, it usually comes in two different packages: Planned Maintenance and Full Maintenance Plan. Contact us now for details on the best forklift maintenance plan for your business.


We’ve broken down the most common service actions you’ll need to perform by the component system. And as in our daily inspection, we noted which items are only for internal combustion (IC) or electric (E) forklifts.

For a more extensive list, be sure to follow the free forklift checklist for each service interval. You will find them in the next section below.

Check the list of repairs – replacement forklifts

Power & drive systems

  • Check the forklift for any fluid leaks
  • Change engine oil and filter (IC)
  • Check startup status and check for any strange noises (IC)
  • Check for fuel system leaks (IC)
  • Check differential, torque converter, and transmission for oil level, leaks, looseness, and function (IC)
  • Check clutch and inching pedal function (IC)
  • Check the fuel filter element for blockage (IC).
  • Clean the air filter (IC)
  • Check radiator coolant level and look for leaks (IC)
  • Check coolant hoses for wear/damage (IC).
  • Check fan belt tension and damage (IC)
  • Check the exhaust system for operation, leakage, damage (IC)
  • Measurement of carbon monoxide concentration in the exhaust gas (IC)
  • Check transmission for oil leaks and oil level (E)
  • Hear the engine turn (E)
  • Check motor and battery terminal for looseness (E)
  • Check the condition and connection of the battery connector (E)
  • Check battery charge level and electrolyte (E)
  • Check the battery box for damage or wear (E)
  • Measure the specific gravity of the battery (E).

Wheels, Shafts, Steering & Brakes

  • Check tire pressure, damage, debris, and wear
  • Tighten the center nuts
  • Check the rim and side rings for damage
  • Check the front and rear wheel bearings for noise and looseness
  • Check the rear axle beam for looseness
  • Check the steering wheel for function and gameplay
  • Check power steering for oil leaks and assembly lose
  • Check kingpins for loose
  • Check brake fluid level
  • Check brake and parking brake function, generation, and operation.

Forks, Parts, Columns & Chains

  • Check fork and stopper for wear/damage
  • Inspect poles, column rollers, mast strips, and lifting frames for cracks, loose joints, and damage
  • Lubricating the lifting chain
  • Check chain tension and look for damage
  • Check the condition of the chain anchor pin and sprocket
  • Check attachments for damage, installation security, and abnormal operation.

Hydraulic system

  • Check the overall operation of the hydraulic system
  • Replace the hydraulic oil return filter
  • Check the oil pump for leaks and abnormal noises
  • Check hydraulic tank oil level and signs of contamination or leaks
  • Inspect the hydraulic cylinder holder, cylinder rod, rod screw, and rod end for leaks, looseness, uneven lifting, and damage
  • Check the control valve for leakage
  • Check hydraulic levers for looseness
  • Measure the lift rate and natural fall for all cylinders.

Power system

  • Check the distribution cap for cracks (IC)
  • Check sparks plug clearance and burn mark (IC)
  • Check the electrolyte level of the battery
  • Check harness for deterioration and damage
  • Check the fuse for loose and damaged
  • Check the directional lever for operation and damage
  • Check the contactor for contact, contamination, and damage (E)
  • Check the operation of the controller (E).

Safe device

  • Check the overhead guard for weld cracking, damage, and deformation
  • Check the load backrest for damage, deformation, and looseness
  • Make sure lights, horns, indicator lights, alarms, and equipment work and are securely attached
  • Make sure the operator presence sensing system (OPSS) works
  • Check seat attachment for looseness and damage
  • Make sure the seat switch works
  • Check if the seat belt is loose
  • Check seat belts for wear and damage
  • Clean the mirror.

The above are some technical knowledge for regular maintenance of your forklift that we summarize, although not exhaustive, we hope to help you reduce repair costs when the forklift is under warranty for regular maintenance.

Operators should check each of the above items every day before operating the elevator. If running multiple shifts, a check must be performed before each shift.

Sales support: 093.208.1688
Technical support: 094.645.1688

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